You can use the 8 steps covered in this Itechguide to to convert JPEG to JPG! I hope you found this Itechguide helpful. The 2 files have the same name but the file I exported from GIMP is a JPG file! See the highlighted section of the screenshot below. GIMP will display a final pop-up – click Export.

When the Open Image dialogue opens, use the highlighted area to navigate to the JPEG image you want to convert and open the file.On the top left of the app, click File and select Open.Then, from the search result, click GIMP App. When you finish installing the software, follow steps 3 to x to to convert JPEG to JPG.

Once the file is downloaded, open the folder you saved it, double-click it and follow the wizard to install GIMP.
Then, save the file to a folder on your PC. Finally, on the GIMP for Windows page, click the Download directly button.By the time you are reading this Itechguide, the version of GIMP may be different from the version shown on the screenshot below.